Friday morning I weighed myself as usual. I was disappointed to see my weight had risen again up to 192.2, half a pound up from the previous day's 191.6. I literally had a vision in my mind of a bouncing rubber ball... If you just bounce it and let it go, the bounces get literally smaller and smaller... I decided it had to be on sort of a hill to apply to this weight loss process, but bottom line, it seems to be two steps forward one step back in this very slow and grueling weight loss process. So be it. I press on.
I feel compelled to note that although yesterday was day 21 of this particular short term concerted weight loss effort, it is actually day 307 from the beginning of this whole process this time.
Saturday morning was a busy one, lots to do from first thing that day. I have reestablished my priority to be in God's Word every morning first thing, as well as trying to spend my first few moments of the day speaking to Him. So I did those most important things and when I actually got up and moving, it wasn't till I had eaten breakfast and was running out the door that I realized I forgot to weigh myself. That's unusual because I am typically so faithful about it. I remember being really surprised.
Saturday was a busy family celebration day and I had an important commitment in the evening. I wasn't even home until almost 10 o'clock, and I was tired. So all I had the energy or desire for was 10-15 minutes of yoga stretching. I was going to let it count, figuring I could get back to business on Sunday. But I didn't.
Sunday morning I forgot to weight myself AGAIN! I was so surprised how it just seemed to slip my mind. In a way, not obsessing about the scale is a good thing, and sort of a victory -- so long as I didn't gain any weight. But how could I know? But it was a busy day of church and errands, and I was tired. By evening time a last minute grocery store run was required and I never was able to work a workout in to my schedule. Truth be told, I am waiting to do anything with great exertion until my knee bands are delivered tomorrow, but a good walk would have been nice - it just got to be too late.
This is a good and bad place for me to be. Not obsessing about my weight and exercise is healthy, as long as I remain faithful. The days of not doing it have the potential to become weeks, months and full blown backslide into my old ways. That didn't happen, I was good with my eating, even at a big family celebration, but the potential is there.
I was relieved when I got on the scale this morning that things had moved in the right direction, but only. .2 pounds lower than they were last Thursday, that might be caused by a good burp. (wink) But it was almost a pound lower than Friday, so the bouncing rubber ball picture popped back in my head... Eventually the two steps forward will overpower all the single steps back, IJN. The important thing is I have been in the word and prayer daily... Glad I'm not cutting my carbs there and once again feasting on the Bread of Life. :)
Weight: 191.4 today.
Feeling: My shoulder and now my knee are a stumbling block, but they haven't stopped me yet. My shoulder is seriously a mystery, really good days, really rough days, but the pain moves about and manifests in so many different ways. Yesterday the "mechanism" of my shoulder and the joint felt great, but my upper arm ached really bad. Interestingly I have discovered that "resting" on the couch or even in my hubby's recliner causes great pain, so even though it is hindering my exercise in some ways, it hinders becoming a couch potato even more. I'm getting some knee straps in the mail tomorrow. I am hopeful it will help with the "loose" knee on my right side and protect the knee on my left from following suit.
Eating: I'm doing "OK." I move in and out of ketosis, I can tell, never really getting to the dark purple that I'd like to be in. I think it's why the loss is so slow, but I am moving toward the "lifestyle" of low carb, I suppose, it will all work out in the end. It was a family celebration weekend and I did good resisting. I took a couple nibbles of goodies and did great on entree. Yay me. Yesterday I overcame a hard core craving for some frozen yogurt covered in candy with a yummy low carb (my invention) alternative. SO I am pleased with that choice.
Moving: Friday night we were out late and I had to fit my exercise in just under the wire going on a long walk not long before midnight. Honestly it was the draw to a "prayer walk" that got me out there as much as it was keeping my commitment to exercise daily. Saturday all I did was a little stretching after a long busy day as I mentioned and Sunday was a "fail" on working out, but today hopefully will be back on the horse... or rather, moving on my own in front of him.
Thoughts: Having just over 25 pounds to go, about a third of my original weight loss goal, it is too early to consider this the home stretch, and I have to be careful not to settle for where I am (for a list of reasons) but I also have to continue to be realistic and make this all a part of my lifestyle (eating low carb and exercising regularly). So somewhere is the balance, I don't know where yet, obviously, but once again I determine to just press on. :)
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