Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 3 - Social Challenges

Today is Bunco! It's an evening of fun, but it presents a challenge for me.  Part of the evening is dinner and dessert.  I never know what's on the dinner menu, and dessert is pretty much guaranteed to be a carb filled event.  Sometimes I can work my way through dinner, eating just a side salad, or picking the meat out of a taco, but I just don't know till I get there.  The ability to "just say no," is a powerful thing (though not always the most fun) and I typically show up a little late when I'm in the diet mode to bypass the meal. If there is something I can eat, I will, but I don't plan on it.  The trick is to come without being hungry.  I always have to plan to eat enough beforehand to look at the food and not have the physical temptation to overcome on top of the taste bud temptation that can't be avoided.  I also try to bring a pack of gum or an Atkins "treat" with me to eat during the dessert portion of the evening.  Gum is always a great deterrent to the bowls of candy that often decorate the tables as well. I have to remind myself to stay focused on the bigger picture and not undermine my long term goals for a few minutes of a tasty treat. No matter how good it might be, it's NOT worth it.  I have to remember "Skinny feels better than anything can taste."

Weight: 194.4 - Another 2.2 lbs, 4.6 total from kickoff. More bulk and water weight mostly, I'm sure, but an indicator that my true gain over March Madness isn't as bad as it seemed at initial weigh-in.

Feeling: Overall pretty good.  Still no headaches from carb detox but yesterday I was tired and did nap for about half an hour. My shoulder is feeling a better, my only guess is it could be connected to the yoga stretching I've reinstated into my life once or twice a day.  Still has a long way to feeling good though.

Eating: Never send a hungry woman to the grocery store.  I spent the whole grocery budget stocking up on low carb foods for me... not good for my family.  For dinner last night I made a small plate or nachos out of pork rinds and had a frozen Atkins meal that was a sausage primavera that was really good.  Ideally I would have only eaten one and not both, but the beauty of low carb is overeating isn't as big an issue as long as your carb count is down, unlike when you are counting calories.

Moving: I chose stretching and running on the trampoline again, 15 minutes of the former, 25 minutes of the latter.  I hope to get to more than 25 minutes, but at this point it's a stretch getting there.  I have plans tonight so fitting in the workout will be a challenge - can't work out before, so afterwards will be a late night effort. 

Good news: Ketosis is here, it's just trace, but it's here.  I'm fortunate that gets there pretty quickly for me.

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