Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 4 - Busting at the seams.

Clothing has become an issue.  I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothes in the process between where I was and where I hope to be.  A few people have offered up hand-me-downs and things, but that has its limits, style and body type are always an issue.  But I have tried to keep my shopping at bay until I am to the sizes I hope to remain.  

In the last week though I have purchased two pairs of pants, both in size 12.  For a girl who was busting at the seams of her size 20s nine months ago, I can't tell you the joy that rises up inside me to buy a 12!  There is just something about that size, it is legitimately a NORMAL size!  14's were nice but they still carry the (pun intended) heaviness of being close to the large women sizes for me that make shopping pretty miserable.  And for a girl who at her skinniest doesn't ever get below an 8, 12 feels like quite an accomplishment. It's exciting.

I only did my shopping at Walmart because my investment needs to be minimal, a couple pairs of denim capris with some birthday money and it's like a whole new sense of myself (in my 12's) and as I was wandering through the racks there I suddenly realized I was in the plus size section.  It was with great joy that I said to myself out loud alone in the middle of the store, "I can't shop here, none of these things fit me anymore!"  It was a whole other kind of busting at the seams! 

Weight: 194.4 - No change from the day before, but that's OK, I think it means I have probably landed at where the actual weight loss begins again.  

Feeling: Shoulder is still an issue, but I am grateful that the sugar detox is minimal.  No headaches at all! 

Eating: Yesterday was a big eating day.  I went by Ralph's on my way home from work and picked up two more of the sausage primavera Atkins meals, and I ate them BOTH before bunco. And when I got to Bunco I was able to build a salad I could eat so I did.  I just wanted to eat, but low carb eaters rarely eat out of true hunger because that's just a rare sensation when you're on the plan.  I overdid, but when you are counting carbs and not calories, it doesn't undermine you the way it does when you are counting calories because it doesn't thwart the chemical process of ketosis as long as you stay within the plan. 

Moving: I did not get home from Bunco till after 11... scratch that, I got home at 9:30 but sat in the car with a girlfriend till 11 chatting.  I was pressed at that point to fit in some sort of exercise before I turned into a pumpkin at midnight! So I took my oldest on a 25 minute power walk around our neighborhood.  

Good news: I'm in the right frame of mind to do this again.  Ever since the holidays I have had a hard time getting on board mentally with following the low carb lifestyle, and the mental aspect is AT LEAST half the battle.  So being here now feels good, and gives me hope about getting to my goals. 

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