Monday, April 1, 2013

60 Days

March madness is over. I gave myself permission to eat as I pleased in honor of my birthday month and nursing a sore shoulder put exercise mostly on the back burner as well. Like a true fool I gave myself a pass on April 1st as well.  If I'm completely realistic, I probably put on between 5 & 7 lbs this month. Happy birthday to me.

It's been a learning month for me, I think I've realized that sugar in my diet seriously increases my aches and pains. I'm absolutely certain that it creates a serious fatigue. After some carb rich meals this past month I've found myself within an hour or so barely able to keep my eyes open. My afternoons have been filled with power naps that didn't seem all that powerful.

So I've made a decision, that April and May are going to be seriously focused months on taking care of myself physically. No, not in lieu of other priorities, but just sharing a focused importance. My GOAL is 60 days of faithful diet and exercise. I don't know how close it will get me to taking off the last 30 off pounds to my original goal.

I'm going to try to record the process here on the blog, as much to encourage others as to remind myself of the difficulties of letting myself slide backwards in taking a month off. Sitting here now I know that there is struggle ahead with the headaches of detox and the time it will take just to even get back to where I was in the scale.

But I have only slipped, and the division is far from hopeless. So tomorrow morning it's back on the saddle and hopefully by summer I'll be much closer to my goal.


  1. I am very proud of you!! Don't be discouraged, you will make your goal. Remember to move forward and not dwell on the coulda, shoulda, and wouldas and just do it!! I have faith in you. You can do amazing things. Love you!!

    1. Thank you, friend. I'm not discouraged, just honestly evaluating the situation so I can learn and grow! Love you back!!
