Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 10 - Shift

Grateful to finally see a shift on the scale today.  I realize we're only on day 10 here, and in reality it jumped a lot the first few days, but I am anxious to get back under where I was at the lowest before my March Madness break (187.2) I find myself kicking myself for taking the counterproductive break, but I gotta let it go.  Sometimes it just feels like this "acceptable" weight that gets me into a size 12 isn't the worst place to land.  But as someone who ALWAYS almost finishes her goals and never really completes things, I'm not wanting to add this to that list.  Soooo... yeah, I want this last 27.8 pounds (and then some?) to go.... So I press on.

Weight: 192.8  Woohoo!

Feeling: It's a 4 Advil kind of morning.  It's my shoulder, but now the pain is added onto by tightness and it's all the way across my neck and my upper back.  Emotionally speaking, the drop on the scale this morning helps.  It's a good reminder that the scale moves in chunks on low carb, nothing, nothing, nothing, then a whole pound or two drop happens.  It's hard to remember that when there's the no moving.

Eating: My eating the last 24 hours is a bit of a blur.  I know I had El Cantarito's Carne Asada for lunch yesterday which is one of my FAVES.  I also enjoyed a Breyer's low-carb ice cream bar which is a real treat - doesn't taste diet-y at all.  I'm looking forward to a protein style burger from In & Out for lunch today.  I'm still enjoying low carb foods right now, and starting to look forward to boredom setting in (a little) because when I do I don't eat as much (because I am never hungry on low-carb) and food gets its place as fuel rather than entertainment, which is a good thing.

Moving: The hardest part about my commitment to exercise for 60 days is time.  As a working mom my mornings, days and afternoons are NOT my own.  Most evenings we have commitments as well and I'm not inclined to work up a sweat before going anywhere. So my workouts never get done before 9 o'clock at night.  Some evenings I really have to push myself to do anything, my accountability to my commitment is what forces me to.  If I run for at least 10-15 minutes on the trampoline with some other additional activity it's like a magical guilt reliever and for 9 out of 10 days I have done that.  Last night I just didn't have it in me.  So last nights was strictly yoga and stretching for about 25 minutes, and I had to force myself to do that.  It's interesting that after my lightest "workout" (and yes I am totally counting it) today I had the shift on the scale AND I am the sorest I've been.  Go figure.

Good choice: It's one I NEED to make.  I need to up my water intake.  I've been drinking more diet soda (something I never drink when I'm not on the diet) and even though I drink a lot, a LOT a LOT of iced tea, it's a naturtal diuretic and I need to make sure I am hydrating myself. (Reaches over, grabs her diet Mountain Dew and takes a swig.)  Yeah, I need to get on that.

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