Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Weeks - Day 70

 Today is day 70, 10 weeks from when I started.  The weight continues to come off slowly but surely. 

I'm being open and sharing a little secret, since about week four I have been taking "progress" photos.  Think of it as a reverse of the classic "baby bump" photos so popular on Facebook.  Except I'm NOT posting them all on Facebook.  If you look closely enough on this blog page, however, you can find where they are located and mull over my deepest darkest not-so-secret secrets. 

The truth is, I feel a lot thinner than the pictures actually reveal, but I am 1/3 way to goal (just about, if you round up.) 10 weeks went rather quicjly, and if I think about 20 more weeks to goal, that doesn't sound so bad.  Of course there's no guarantee of that, but a girl can dream, right?  IF (and I know it's a big "if,") I could be hitting goal right around the middle of January.

In this photo the most noticeable thing is the difference between my chest and my "gut," not compared photo to photo so much, be in each pic, things are standing out more, if you get my drift. Oddly rnough I think my backside looks bigger in the newer photo, but maybe my legs being smaller are just accentuating?

Body to body, the 15 (almost) pound difference is somewhat negligible.  But the purpose of the photos will be a comparison to note when we get to pictures at 15, 20, 25 and 30 weeks hopefully (and however many after that it actually takes to get to goal.) The loss difference in chest, waist and hips is a little over 2 inches in each area.  (Which is also sort of discouraging since the percentages of change were greater in the first 4 weeks than in the 6 that are shown here.) 

The important thing is the movement has been in the right direction and relatively constant. These pictures will eventually be a "where I was" memory that causes my "Wow!" comments, and will also stand as warnings about where I don't want to go again. 

Not where I want to be, but not where I was.... so I press on! 

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